Homework: Week 3


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  1. What's your daimon's name? And how do you plan on incorporating that mindset of eudaimōn in your life? Remember, we are here to close the gap between who you currently are and who you have the potential to be, and in order to do that, we need a sense of urgency to be great! Quite literally, get used to giving a high-five to your new best friend - moment, to moment, to moment!

  2. Every powerful AM and PM Bookend has a gratitude practice - each time. I do this by writing in a 5-Min Gratitude Journal. I recommend you do the same, you can purchase the one I use here:

  3. Let's do some Sleep Math. Remember, today is the day and... today started the night before! Answer the following:

    1. When do you want to wake up?

    2. How many hours of sleep do you want to get? (minimum of 7)

    3. Add another 60-90min to account for time in bed but not asleep. This is your new bedtime, what is it? Write it down.

    4. Subtract 1 hour from your new bedtime - this is your Shut-Down Complete (aka your wind-down time with no electronics). Feel free to subtract more than an hour to have an earlier Shut-Down Complete if you are inspired to do so.

  4. Craft your ideal PM Bookend. Make it beautiful, and perfect for you. (I like to think of it as making a work of art). What does your ideal evening routine look like? Be detailed about what you do and when. Be realistic as well.

  5. Craft your ideal AM Booked. Build something that gets you FIRED UP to wake up and execute. Feel free to use one of the frameworks I provided or make up your own - either way, build it out, love it, and be detailed about what you do and when. Once again, be realistic.

  6. How will you commit to your AM + PM Bookends? Any obstacles you foresee? Plan for them and how you will overcome any obstacles so you can bring the best version of yourself every single day.

  Let's close the gap between who you’re capable of being and who you’re actually being!

To Your Success,

Coach Sid