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Feel “Out Of It?" Shoot A Gratitude Gun
Learn to prioritize living in the moment by wielding the Gratitude Gun, your ultimate tool in the pursuit of joy.
What Do You Mean, “Guacamole Will Be Extra?”
In life, you don’t get what you want or deserve; you get what you negotiate. And most of the time, negotiating is simply asking — even if it’s just for free guac.
Why I Spent $29,402 on Personal Development This Year
Let me explain why (and precisely what) I invested so much in my personal development, and why you should too.
7 Self-Care Tips During The Coronavirus Pandemic: A Simple Guide To Get Your Life Together
Self-care is a necessity in today's demanding world where countless stressors are taking a toll on your health. Keep these tips in mind to take care of yourself.
These 5 Things Happen To Your Brain When You Quit Drinking
Quitting alcohol can lead to a plethora of favorable changes in your brain. This leads to much better mental health and improved cognitive functions.
Defeat The 4 Types Of Procrastination
Unbeknownst to most people, there are 4 types of procrastination. And each one might require a different approach to deal with effectively.
7 Steps For Effortless Charisma
Charisma might be an inborn trait for some but it can definitely be learned. There are some great ways backed by science that will help you hone this quality.
6 Science-Backed Ways To Boost Productivity
Boosting your productivity is extremely crucial to fulfilling all your work and personal obligations. It directly influences your happiness and success.
I Quit Alcohol For 90 Days: 10 Things That Happened
I’m not telling you not to drink. I’m just saying if you decide to quit alcohol - you are going to be amazed at how incredible you feel. Don’t believe me?
The Secret Spell To Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination is a heavy spell that takes over our personal growth. However, you can always use this secret spell to get rid of procrastination today.
5 Morning Rituals I Do to Win the Day
Would you like a productive, healthy, and energizing way to begin your day? Here are five practical rituals to help you win the morning.
Turning Peace Of Mind Into An Irreversible Habit
Peace of mind is the greatest asset one can have in life. Learn some easy ways that you can start living your best life
4 Everyday Phrases That Destroy Your Charisma
Common phrases that make people much less likable and less likely to be able to persuade anyone. Quick, actionable advice that can help anyone.
3 Habits That Will Change Your Life
3 Habits that will drastically increase the quality of your life and with steps on how to implement them immediately
Fail-Proof Formula To Charismatic Conversations
A fail-proof formula to habitually have memorable conversations, come across as having a magnetic personality and never run out of things to say.
15 Lessons Leaders Of Today Need To Learn
What it means to be a leader through lessons from some of the most incredible figures in history.