You Need This Evening Routine in Your Life


We spend so much energy maximizing our productivity during the day. At work, we put our all into every task. We take mindful breaks to be more efficient. We schedule our time for optimal performance. We might plow through emails in the morning, attend meetings midday, and focus on a key initiative or two in the afternoon. We all work hard while we’re on the proverbial clock.

But What Happens At Night?

Far too often, our evening routine slips through the cracks.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

 You, and so many others, can cultivate a nighttime ritual that makes you happy, relaxed, and productive. 

You can build habits that successful people swear by.

Don’t Wait: Consider These Nighttime Habits

I’d like to get some obvious best practices out of the way.

Granted, they’re no less important than what we’re about to discuss—but you already know the drill.

You already know you need to eat well and exercise regularly. That you should aim to get enough sleep (which, for most adults, means at least seven hours of rest each night).

What you might not know are the following habits. Habits people swear by at night to achieve more during the day. Embrace these breakthrough strategies as your new evening routine:


When it comes to unwinding—to clear your head at the end of the long day—these activities are second-to-none. If weather permits, a short walk around the neighborhood will quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to move wherever they please.

A Stanford University study revealed that walking can actually boost creativity. Meditation is no different. Whether you choose a guided session or spend 20 minutes seated on your own, embrace whatever feelings come your way. Lean into the discomfort.


Now, I’m going to give you some flexibility here. You don’t have to get rid of your TV. You don’t need to avoid your laptop like the plague, and you certainly don’t have to turn your phone off the second you end your workday.

What I do want you to try? I want you to turn off your devices two hours before bed. I want you to steer clear of checking your phone late at night, and I want you to refrain from scrolling through the news on your tablet. Those things can wait until morning. 


4 Simple Habits That Help Me Win The Day


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Bill Gates loves to read. And while I don’t suggest you read with the sole purpose of becoming the next tech billionaire, spending 20 minutes or even a full hour with a book each night can yield pretty significant benefits.

In addition to building knowledge, reading on a daily basis can reduce anxiety and improve memory. Interesting side note: Though I find this isn’t nearly enough time to get into a good book, one study found that reading for just six minutes daily can reduce stress by up to 68%. 


This one is simple. And since you’ve banished your electronics for the night, I’d like to suggest you take an old-school approach and pick up pen and paper. 

With that, I want you to write down three simple goals for the next day. Be as general or as specific as you’d like. Simply consider what you hope to accomplish, and release those thoughts into the ether. Because with this tactic in your arsenal, you can make nighttime a time for you.

Kick Your Evening Routine Into Action

These habits may sound simple.

And really, they are—but far too many of us overlook the importance of a solid evening routine.

If sleep is something you struggle with, check out my popular article 10 Ways to Get Better Sleep, or my book notes on Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD. so you are getting the most out of every snore!

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram to stay up-to-date with other life-hacks that I only share on those platforms. While you’re at it, check out my Amazon bestseller Spark Your Inner Genius!

Sid Chawla

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” - Mark Twain


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