7 Easy Habits of Highly Charismatic Leaders, Backed By Science


If you (1) walk into a room and feel invisible, or (2) want to ensure you make a powerful personal impact – NEWSFLASH: you need better advice than “fake it ‘til you make it” or “just be yourself.” How do some people naturally seem to draw people in without even trying?

I mean, no matter where they are and whom they are talking to, these people seem to grab ALL the attention. Not only that, people feel comfortable being around them and pouring their hearts out! (“She is just sooo easy to talk to…” —cough, cough— thanks Gary for telling all of our 5th-grade class who I had a crush on). You have probably seen or talked to such people, and like me, have been mesmerized by the way they own the room.

Truthfully, I hate these kinds of people. I feel life just comes so easy to them! Everything gets handed to them on a golden platter. And maybe you feel the same way too. I always used to ask myself, being the vain person I am:

What do they have that I don’t?

When I was in high school I discovered what science called that unexplainable likable quality — charisma. And since then, I’ve been OBSESSED about learning everything I possibly could about it.

Charisma is the magnetic superpower of some people to captivate those around them. Steve Jobs was perhaps one of the best examples. When he spoke, people listened. Period. People were at the edge of their seats when he was on stage, holding on to every word he uttered. Similarly, many leaders from all walks of life showcase this quality.

Charisma can be the difference between: a promotion or getting fired; landing a boyfriend or ‘just a friend’; a smile and or someone chasing you down the street with a sledgehammer. It might seem like a natural talent, but over the years I’ve discovered that charisma is a skill that you can learn. (hint: I wrote a whole book on it called Charisma Crush, check out the ebook version here.)

Are you ready to unlock the charismatic code within yourself?

If so, who better to model after than famous leaders in history? Researchers have studied the habits of charismatic leaders for AGES and have determined the ones that form the foundation for their charisma.

I’ve gone ahead and read through all the research for you (linked my resources at the end), but here are the EXACT seven proven habits of charismatic leaders to become the most charismatic person you know:


1) They Are Passionate

There is something about passion that commands attention. If you have ever felt passionate about something before, you would know that it is a fiery feeling (similar to how you feel after too many Fire sauces from Taco Bell), and others around you can’t help but pay attention. But why exactly does it happen? Why does one person’s emotion influence others around them? The answer is emotional contagion.

Yes, it is exactly what you are thinking right now. Apparently, like viruses, our emotions get transferred from one person to another. So, for instance, if someone around you is whiny, chances are that you might start to whine as well. This works even more with a powerful feeling like passion. When a charismatic leader showcases their passion for something, it raises similar motivations inside you too. Naturally, you start feeling much better. You feel as though you can take on anything in the world!


2) They Exude Warmth

We, humans, are naturally drawn to warmth, whether it is physical or emotional. We ascribe a sense of comfort to it. Maybe we have been hardwired to be this way due to our evolutionary process. So, when a charismatic leader exudes warmth (which is something they are naturally adept at), people around them can’t help but get drawn in. It is an almost inexplicable, magnet-like phenomenon.

Even research has shown this to be the case. It has been found that when we judge other people, we take note of two primary traits: how lovable they are and how fearsome they are. The former relates to warmth, trust, comfort, and companionship. And these are the qualities that most charismatic leaders exude. So, people around them tend to want to be around them, just because their presence feels good.


3) They Live For A Cause

Have you ever talked to someone who had a larger mission in his life? Not your common goals like earning money, traveling, etc, but a cause that was bigger than themselves? If you have, you would know how magnetic such people are. You immediately start respecting them and want to learn more about their journey. Late Max Weber, who was a renowned sociologist, once stated that having a vision or mission is one of the prerequisites of a charismatic leader.

If you take note of some of the most influential leaders in the world today, you will realize that they are driven by a higher cause. Take Elon Musk for example. He is driven by his mission of transitioning the world to sustainable energy and making life inter-planetary. And look at how people perceive him. He almost has a cult-like following. This is despite the fact that, let’s be honest, I’ve seen a potato with drawn-on google eyes that is a better public speaker than him.


4) They Are Confident

This one is pretty well known. We are all aware of how alluring confidence can be. A confident person appears to be in control of their life and the situation they are in. This makes their peers look up to them for advice or guidance. And so, they automatically become more attractive. This has even been confirmed by researchers.

They state that people are often willing to trust anyone who appears confident (like your crypto-crazed friend who convinces you to invest in Bitcoin every time you meet.) And this is more prominent when resources like money are at stake. And unsurprisingly, most charismatic leaders in the world are confident in nature. This also makes them very influential, which in turn, contributes to their success!


Discover The 7 Steps For Effortless Charisma


5) They Believe In Themselves

People who believe in themselves and their abilities appear more likable and approachable than those who don’t. You might have had this experience too! But here’s the thing. Every person on this planet doubts themselves once in a while. It’s human nature. In fact, it is so prevalent that there is a technical word for it: the imposter syndrome. It might be hard for you to believe, but even charismatic people are not immune to this. They have their own fears, anxieties, and concerns in life. They are humans after all!

What separates them from the others, though, is that they don’t let these occasional doubts mess up their lives or their interactions with others. They are able to keep their fears subdued and radiate confidence and self-esteem. This is the secret behind their seemingly endless charisma.


6) They Make People Feel Valued

There is no doubt that we are all looking for social validation or at least to be valued by fellow human beings. If there is one thing that the rise of social media has taught us, it is this. I think it is our innate desire, as humans, to be heard and understood by someone else. It makes us genuinely happy and we tend to gravitate towards those people that treat us that way. Charismatic people have this quality too.

With their listening skills and other non-verbal cues, they make sure that others around them feel valued. One such non-verbal cue is eye contact. If you have ever talked to a charismatic person, you will know how they use their gaze to this effect. They make you feel like they are paying genuine attention to you. And you end up feeling captivated by their attentiveness. This is not just a trick though. Research studies have shown that eye contact can really influence likability and attractiveness.


7) They Encourage Others To Open Up

Perhaps one of the best attributes of a charismatic person is that they are not self-centered. Even with all their capabilities, talents, confidence, and focus, they remain concerned about other people and their well-being. If you have ever conversed with a charismatic person, they might have encouraged you to talk about yourself. Whether it is on purpose or just a subconscious habit, they do tend to motivate others to open up. And this has amazing results.

Research has shown that doing so activates those regions in people’s brains that are linked with pleasurable feelings. To be more precise, when you ask someone to talk about themselves, their brain activates the same areas that get activated during sex or while eating tasty food. Naturally, the other person thinks that you have made them feel this way and they take a liking to you. It is a subtle yet powerful effect. Political leaders have been known to deliberately use this knowledge to their advantage.


To Wrap It Up

Charismatic people seem to be in a class of their own. They are adored, respected, and people want to be their friends all the time. Anybody would like to be in their shoes! And now you can too.

While you might be inclined to believe that charisma is a talent that one must be born with, as we’ve seen, science has shown that charisma is a skill that can be practiced and developed. With patience and effort, you can have the same effect on people that charismatic people do.

To recap — According to science, charismatic leaders:

  1. Are Passionate

  2. Exude Warmth

  3. Live For A Cause

  4. Are Confident

  5. Believe In Themselves

  6. Make People Feel Valued

  7. Encourage Others To Open Up

Here’s what to do next: Let me know in the comments below, which one of these habits surprised you the most?


Sid Chawla

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” - Mark Twain


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