Top 8 Tips To Boost Your Energy Levels
Energy is the most fundamental thing we need to function as living beings. Without energy, you couldn't even lift a finger. Forget that, you wouldn't even be alive! Healthy energy levels are necessary for all aspects of life, whether it is remaining healthy or pursuing your dreams and goals. If you lack energy, you will also lack motivation.
Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle is such that it demands high levels of energy from you and doesn't allow you enough time or ways to recharge. This can leave you in a perpetually low-powered state which can hinder the quality of your life. So, naturally, you should look for ways to boost your energy levels that actually work. Let's take a look at some great science-backed tips to help you do that.
1 | Drink Coffee
Most people already do this. If you don't, you should probably start. Coffee has forever been a favorite for many to boost their energy levels whenever they need it. In a 2012 study, it was found that a single cup of coffee was enough to keep drivers on a long haul more alert. So, whenever you start feeling tired you can have a cup of coffee. Remember not to over-indulge - you might have trouble sleeping.
2 | Eat Regularly
This is a no-brainer. The human body is like a machine that needs fuel to work. And the food is our fuel. So, make sure you eat at regular intervals. This will keep the constant stream of energy flowing through your body. But make sure that you don't overeat. Only eat what is enough and include as many nutrients into your diet as possible.
3 | Spend Time Outdoors
I am sure you must have gone for a walk in the park when you felt tired and in need of some oxygen. I am also sure that it helped recharge you and boosted your mood. In the sedentary lives that we all lead, heading out has become less common. However, spending time outdoors should be a priority to keep the energy levels in check throughout the day. This has even been proven in studies.
4 | Do Some Breathing Exercises
You may not realize it, but your breath can actually become shallower as the day progresses. It may also happen when you are stressed out or sad. This reduces the amount of oxygen available to the cells in your body and can decrease energy levels. So, you need to consciously do some breathing exercises daily. Studies have shown that doing so can get your blood pumping which may boost energy levels.
5 | Take A Short Nap
Some days can be more overwhelming than the others, and you might find yourself drained of energy before even going through half of the day. In times like these, it is always a good idea to take a short nap. You might want to push through to complete your tasks on time, but trust me, that doesn't help. In fact, that makes matters worse. Taking a nap, however, can improve your energy levels. Be sure to limit it to about an hour, though. Anything more and you might not be able to sleep on time at night.
If sleep is something you struggle with, check out my popular article 10 Ways to Get Better Sleep, or my book notes on Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD. so you are getting the most out of every snore!
6 | Take A Cold Shower
There is something about taking a shower that is deeply relaxing. Has it ever happened to you that you went to take a shower when you were all tired and came back as an almost renewed person? Studies have shown that even a 3-minute shower is enough to boost your energy levels. So, it is a good idea to take a trip to the bathroom whenever you need an energy shot.
7 | Listen To Some Upbeat Music
Who doesn't love to listen to music? An upbeat song can make you want to dance even though you might be completely exhausted. Somehow, we find the energy within us to shake a leg when we hear our favorite tunes. A research study at Brunel University London found that intense auditory stimuli activate a region of the brain that suppresses fatigue. This is why so many hardcore gym lovers listen to music while working out. It helps them go on for longer periods of time. So, the next time you feel a little drowsy or tired, plug in your headphones and blast your favorite music through them!
8 | Exercise Every Day
Exercising has many health benefits. But did you know that it can actually boost your energy levels? Not only that, it makes your body a much more efficient machine so that you don't spend as much energy on the same amount of tasks. You essentially become a better battery. You are able to store energy for longer and spend it judiciously. This happens because exercise increases muscle strength and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. It also supercharges your cardiovascular system so that every cell in your body can receive what it needs to perform at the optimal level.
To Wrap Up
Energy is the primary requirement to do virtually anything you want. To be able to perform countless everyday tasks and work actively towards your dreams and goals, you need to ensure that you consistently have enough energy to keep you going. Since there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there, it is best to follow tips that are backed by science.